Friday, December 08, 2006

Request for Advice (or How to be Crafty)

Oh great blogsphere - please help me to craftily send my email address in a profile so that I do not have to have a paid account with a weirdo website, yet can still communicate with someone neat.

Make sense? I am soliciting any advice on how to send a message to someone, cryptically, which communicates my email address unbeknownst to the website people, who are trying to charge me $30 for some sort of membership to utter craziness. The best idea I can come up with is, well, I got nothing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (Stew - I'm trying to tap into some stew-y goodness here - )

Best wishes to all!

Post Scriptum to Teachingirl -

I am NOT crazy. Well, maybe a little crazy, but a good kind of crazy. SO AYUDAME, por favor!