Friday, December 08, 2006

Request for Advice (or How to be Crafty)

Oh great blogsphere - please help me to craftily send my email address in a profile so that I do not have to have a paid account with a weirdo website, yet can still communicate with someone neat.

Make sense? I am soliciting any advice on how to send a message to someone, cryptically, which communicates my email address unbeknownst to the website people, who are trying to charge me $30 for some sort of membership to utter craziness. The best idea I can come up with is, well, I got nothing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (Stew - I'm trying to tap into some stew-y goodness here - )

Best wishes to all!

Post Scriptum to Teachingirl -

I am NOT crazy. Well, maybe a little crazy, but a good kind of crazy. SO AYUDAME, por favor!


Stew Magoo said...

I have no idea what you are talking aboot.

But then again I've decided to become Canadian eh?

So what are you talking aboot?

teachingirl said...

I DO know what you're talking about, but I too have no idea how to help you. However, I do have a friend who just might be able to help. Unfortunately, said friend is not available until Friday. I will consult her then.

Stew Magoo said...

Hey Seebo, Merry New Year! (slightly belated but still...)

Mistake Master said...

If you put the address in the context of the conversation most content filters are not able to filter it out. So jsrob67 is a good way to get AT the point without actually spelling it out. Can you guess what my e-mail address is?

Anonymous said...

Yahweh has taken coporeal form and walks the EARTH!!! He now reveals himself in plain sight, if you know where to look. Soon, all EARTH BEINGS will bow before the might of he who is now Yahweh but once was mit.

SOON, the final solution will be in motion, and YAHWEH will have the resources in motion to carry it out. HUNDREDS of emmissaries will be dispatched to LUNA and the IMMORTAL QUAKERS who dwell within will finally be converted to the glorious virtuous path, as prophesized by THE WESTWARD SON!!!