Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I find it no coincidence

That just now, outside at my office, a mourning dove flew very close to me overhead and perched on a tree a short distance away and cooed.

My great aunt died pretty tragically this past Saturday. My parents had driven down to Texas for a visit (as they are oft times wont to do in Spring) and when they arrived there were emergency vehicles everywhere. Apparently my great uncle had gone out to wash the car and when he came home he called out for my great aunt and she didn't answer... He found her face down in the pool. According to the homicide detective who came to the house yesterday, they determined the cause of death to be "accidental drowning" - which is awful, because it implies conciousness whereas we were thinking maybe she had a stroke or heart attack. Very sad.

I've been waiting for a sign - I've been patient, which must mean I'm maturing (crazy, no?) - figuring that she had a lot of family to visit and time to adjust, etc. etc... But I think that was it. Feels like it. Good enough for me.


Stark Raving Zen said...

My God, how aweful. I'm so sorry Seebo. You're right. What a curious development that your parents had just arrived at the near time of her death... Interesting.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Oh no, that's terrible. But the mourning dove cooing does indeed seem like a meaningful visit.

So sorry to hear!

Heidi Brandenburg Pierson said...

Oh honey, I'm so sorry.