Today is hard. I feel like I’m all over the place. My mind is racing about a thousand different things and all I want to do is crawl back into bed and rest. Alas, I am at the office…
I had a great dream on Friday after asking for some sort of a sign that I’m on the right path. Long story, just really want to document it for myself for the future… It involved a medicine man and the number 19 (which how do I even look up the significance of? Is “19” significant, or is it 1 (1+9=10 1+0=1), then is 18 also significant since the person who wasn’t chosen was 18?).
Then last night before bed I was moved to pull my runes – just a simple past-present-future spread. Mannaz (reversed), Ansuz, Ehwaz (reversed). It made total sense to me, I love my rune stones – they have always been so good to me. Basically I can see in that that in the past I wasn’t ready to embark on this big Moving-to-Ireland journey. That we don’t always have all the options – does that make sense? ALL the options aren’t always truly open to us. Makes sense in my head. Then Ansuz – being about signs and messengers and gifts… totally where I’m at today, and what I question. I try not to question “signs” for lack of a better term, but its hard when you have to walk around “practical society” – and then Ehwaz… first of all being “the horse” - come on. Although it was reversed, which sort of warns me against moving away to avoid things, but also I think portends getting my act together so that I can move, freely and unencumbered.
I hope this makes some semblance of sense. I feel like there are about 100 watts going through a 20 watt receptacle. Me being the afore mentioned receptacle.
Seebo, your energy is off the charts good. You are one hell of a writer. Go for it, girly. You are definitely on the right path... No question.
Super thanks!
Nineteen is a prime number. Prime numbers are significant. Especially if you're a factor. Which, you most assuredly, are.
Other than that, it's so refreshing to see someone weirder than me!
Stay warm Seebs.
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