Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bubonic plague and other trivial maladies; see also: How to handle bubonic plague...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ah yes. Wednesday. Quite possibly the lamest of all days - you just almost, but - not quite - just a little more to the left... AAaahh - and, no. You're nothing special.

Ooooh - great segway (YAY phonetics!) to a "Seebo(regardlessofherzen) is just not worth anything"! Very circa 2005; very "I [heart] Huckabees" -
(BTW - isn't that the newest new for, “and then some – bring it?”)

There was a point. Let's see - what has influenced all kinds of (one might even say "loads" of - honestly) thought tonight:

1) got off work, went to rents to get $$$ for parking at the doctor tomorra, cause I'm a big girl now - I drive up to the hand out...

1a) Broke my rule, not going to self depreciate...

2) watched BEP's "My Humps" on YouTube for about 20 minutes. Oh, and also listened to some of The Smiths, but mostly "My Humps", waiting for my hand-out

3) came home, fed the menage, had a cocktail and a blood orange (the only orange worth its orange-ness in orange this time of year, and so PRETTY!), watched Ghost Hunters

3a) Love ghosts
3c) Um, lost my train of thought... hate bush?
3d) Et Cetera

And other stuff. Teachingirl will understand. And what?

What a change - a post just for fun. I did have great insights into the Black Plague and its relationship to genetic [evolution] mutations which parallel AIDS in some ways, but in the opposite geographic locations; and also Techtonic Strain Theory with regards to the "paranormal" and how does One such as myself make a reservation in room **** of The *******, **?



teachingirl said...

I do understoood.

teachingirl said...

or understood. One toooooo many O's there. Whoops!